Introducing the Rally Cry Championship Tour
Introducing the Rally Cry Championship Tour, a hybrid tournament featuring an EA College Football 25 online league and mobile gaming truck visiting 10 college campuses across the country for the College Football 2024 season
2024 May Team Updates
From the Super Bowl kick-off to the Draft celebrations, we were busy hosting events and competitions for all sorts of festivities! Here are some of our major highlights as of May 2024.
Announcing the Rally Cry Collegiate Series
Today, we're excited to return to our roots of collegiate esports to announce the Rally Cry Collegiate Series presented by The Army National Guard
2023 Q3 Team Updates
Here are some of our major highlights during Q3 of this year!
LCS Challengers League 2023 Season Recap
We're taking a look back at the major highlights from the LCS Challengers League 2023 Season!
Introducing the 4th Annual Madden NFL x HBCU Tournament
Today we're excited to announce our partnership with the NFL to host the fourth annual EA SPORTS™ Madden NFL 24 x HBCU Tournament.
Announcing the 2023-2024 Rainbow 6 Collegiate Season
Today we're excited to announce our partnership with Ubisoft and Rainbow 6 Esports to launch the 2023-2024 Rainbow Six Collegiate Program!
2023 Q2 Team Updates
As we approach the halfway point of 2023, we take a look back at our major achievements during Q2
Rally Cry and Twitch Collaborate to Introduce Advertiser Support to the North American Challenger League
Rally Cry and Twitch Collaborate to Introduce Advertiser Support to the North American Challenger League
2023 Q1 Team Updates
Take a look back at our Q1 achievements of 2023
Introducing Rally Cry Fortnite Creative Tournaments
Prepare to immerse yourself in a series of intense battles, fueled by creativity.
Introducing Rally Cry Marvel SNAP Tournaments
Are you ready to put your superhero skills to the test? Rally Cry is proud to announce our first-ever gaming tournament featuring Marvel SNAP. Our goal is to build a thriving community of Marvel SNAP enthusiasts on our platform, while also offering a competitive and thrilling experience for all players.
Introducing the North American Challengers League
Today, we're excited to announce that Rally Cry is partnering with Riot Games to power the North America Challengers League
Introducing the 2022-2023 College VALORANT Season
Rally Cry partners with Riot Games to run and operate their CVAL South region for the 2022-2023 season!
Introducing the $15K Youth Summer Esports Series
Rally Cry, the leading youth and amateur esports hosting platform announced today a national youth esports tournament series. These free-to-enter competitions will bring together players ages 13-18 to compete for a total scholarship prize pool worth $15,000.
Dev Update: LevelNext Platform
A developer's update on our partnership with Learfield and the launch of the LevelNext platform.
Rally Cry Joins Forces with "Gamers for CHOC"
Our latest initiative to support local charities.
Company Clash 1.01 Patch Notes
New Challonge and Discord integrations, bug fixes, and more in our first platform update.
Company Clash Beta Launch
Our Causes & Values
The core values that we stand for as a team and the charitable causes we're supporting this year.
Our Action Plan for Social Good
Our Action Plan to help lead positive industry change around diversity, inclusion, safety.
Our History
Games, and the friends we made through games, are a quintessential part of who we are.
Rally Cry Announces Company alongside $1.2M Seed Funding
Backed By Mike Morhaime, Amy Morhaime, Kevin Lin, and Marc Merrill, Esports/Industry Veterans will Bring Social and Competitive Gaming Programs to All Ages and Skill Levels